Tags Thought and Reason

Tag you’re it!

I’ve been bitten by the ‘Tag You’re It’ bug too!! Kind courtesy: The one and only Bhai of blogworld. Our dear Hitchy!

The Rules:

1. You must post the rules!
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.

Here are the questions Hitchy asked, with my answers embedded.

1.) If you could have any superpower, what would it be ? Imagine !
>> To make anyone slim OR fat! I’d round up all the mean folks and make them super-fat, so they are grounded for life. (Er, today happens to be my Mean-Avatar day!!) I’d also grant nice people with a great figure (if they so wish it!). So be in my good books, people!

2.) What was your favorite childhood television program?

>> Spiderman and He-Man.. they both give me a feeling of ‘Sunday’ 🙂 day of rest and fun!

3.) Have / had any celebrity crushes ?
>> Hritik Roshan, who else!!!

4.) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
>> At the moment it would be India, cos I’ve not been there for almost 6 months!! Yeah, I’m homesick.

5.) Name 1 thing you miss about being a child.
>> A calorie-free life. Not that I ate sensibly then, I was blissfully ignorant of words like Carbs, Monosaturated fat, blah blah blah.

6.) Name the one comic/book character that you loved the most and why ?
>> Er…. Suppandi 🙂

7.) What is the one thing that you are dying to try but haven’t had a chance to do so yet ?
>> After watching ZNMD, I think I might want to try sky-diving sometime, provided my BFFs join me!

8.) Do you have a role model – someone you want to emulate? Whom do you admire the most?
>> Chetan Bhagat.. who else can relentlessly dish out so much crap and still manage to become a best-seller?!!

9.) What do others make of you ?
>> (You mean, on my non-bitchy days, right?) That I’m very caring and pleasant.

10.) Have you ever gotten into a fight or punched someone ?
>> Nah! I’m too nice (read: timid) for that! But there are a lot of people I’d like to punch some day!

11.) For Girls – If you woke up tomorrow to find out you are Brad Pitt, what would be the first thing you’d say upon looking in the mirror !
>> Go, look for Writerzblock and take her out on a lovely date to Paris 😉

Okay, my job’s done. Now its your turn!!!

These are the lovely folks I’m tagging:

1. Ashwathy
2. Urmi
3. Snowleopard
4. Vaish
5. Aaroo
6. Reema
7. Uma
8. LG
9. Shilpa
10. Bikram 
11. Mon

And here are your Eleven questions:

1. If you were crowned ‘Ms/Mr/Mrs/etc’ World, how would you start your ‘thank you’ speech?

2. If you had to turn yourself into a cartoon character, who/what would you choose?

3. What would be your response to a troll comment like ‘Your blog is utter crap!‘?

4. If you found a bag of cash (huge cash), what would you do? Take it to the police station, keep it for yourself, or any other option?

5. Describe your first poo/wee accident as a child. Ha ha ha!:wicked: If you don’t remember, then just invent one!

6. If someone pays you a million dollars to watch a scary horror film, sitting ALONE in a graveyard at midnight, would you do it?

7. What is your one piece of advice to Rahul Baba (Gandhi)?

8. If you could banish the Bacchhan parivaar, where would you send them?

9. What is your proudest moment?

10. What is your most romantic moment?

11. And finally (phew), if you had a time machine, which year would you transport yourself to, and why?

(Needless to say, if anyone wants to willingly become a bali-ka-bakra and take up this tag, please do so!! The more the merrier!!)


Sinner Sinner

When I first saw this tag ‘Sin against Gender Stereotypes’ from IHM I thought ‘I’ve never committed any of these ‘sins”

But after reading posts by my dear Smitha, Deeps and Hitchy, (and being officially tagged  by them) I realised that I’m guilty too 🙂

So here are my list of sins against gender equality:
1. I think cooking is a waste of time!!

2. Would rather hang around the Computer or TV

3. Never been a very girly girl.. you know ..the pretty ones who do their curls and eyes and lips and all that stuff. I’ve always been just plain vanilla!!

4. Would rather read than watch an Ekta Kapoor soap!

5. Believe ‘serving’ family members/guests is a slightly menial task and that each person at the table must just stretch his/her arm out to help him/herself!!

6. Love technology… esp computers and MS-office 🙂 Such a shame that I don’t do much of it anymore!

7. Cannot bake or make anything (cakes/pickles/traditional south Indian cuisine).. i.e., rather unfit inside the kitchen!!

8. Desperately need ‘peace’, ‘space’ and ‘quiet’. Except for my own ‘khit-phit’ cannot stand any other noise 😉

9. Love screwing (Straighten your thoughts, my friend… I meant – love tinkering about with stuff – fixing/repairing/screwing/unscrewing broken things)

10. Would rather surf the net than gossip with the womenfolk 😉

11. Not a fan of ‘pink’, ‘heels’, ‘stilletos’ or anything pretty. As I said, I’m a plain vanilla!

And now to tag people…. er… here is the list of the Tagged :-




Ordinary Guy



Quirky Indian






Now the creator of the Tag, our very own IHM says…

So here’s a tag – Please list at least ten things you have ever wanted or done which your gender is not supposed to.

The tag is called ‘My Sins against Gender-Stereotypes’. And you must tag twelve blogging friends or else you will be cursed to wear blue clothes pants if you are a woman and pink shirts if you are a man – for next twelve years

So get going people 🙂


Innocent or guilty – Sach ka saamna (Tag)

Though not a big fan of TAGS, its been quite some time since I did one, and I kind of miss them! Spotted this new tag today, on this interesting blog and decided to take it up. With the sole intention of passing it on to you folks 😉

Here we go!

RULE 1 – You can only say Guilty or Innocent.
RULE 2 – You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks!
RULE 3 – Copy and paste this into your notes, delete mine and type in your answers and tag your friends to answer this.

Ever kissed someone of the same sex. Innocent

Danced on a table in a bar? Innocent
Oh God!

Ever told a lie? Guilty!
Ofcourse! Come on!

Kissed a picture? Guilty!
Why not!

Asked someone to marry you. Guilty!
Some things just ought to be done in Life 😉

Slept in until 5 PM? Guilty!
Will sleep all day if I had a chance!

Fallen asleep at work/school? Guilty!
Yippee! Happy to be Guilty about this.

Held a snake? Innocent

Been suspended from school? Unfortunately, quite Innocent
Tried it in college, but the Profs. forgave us ‘bunking’ classes for a movie because we apologised on being caught!

Stolen from a store? Guilty!
In my childhood 😦

Been fired from a job? Innocent
Does indirect layoff count as being fired?

Done something you regret? Guilty!
All the time! Like the pizza I ate yesterday 😦 or the all-butter croissants the day before, or…never mind!!

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Guilty!
He he! Love this ques… makes me happy!

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Innocent
Hope to do it this winter!

Kissed in the rain? Sinnocent
Next thing on the To Do list 😉

Sat on a roof top? Guilty!
Friends, rooftop, stars in the sky…good old days!

Kissed someone you shouldn’t? Sadly, Innocent 😉

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Innocent

Donated Blood? Innocent
Though I tried to, but they sent me back saying the Iron count was low!

Eaten alligator meat? Innocent

Eaten cheesecake? Guilty!
Yep yep, and hated it!

Still love someone you shouldn’t? Innocent
N/A. Btw, I believe there are No rules in love!

Have/had a tattoo? Innocent
Another ‘To Do’ item now!

Liked someone, but will never tell who? Innocent
Always make it a point to tell 😉

Been too honest? Guilty!
That’s what is called ‘being stupid’!

Ruined a surprise? Innocent
Am really good at keeping surprises.

Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you couldn’t walk afterwards? Guilty!

Erased someone in your friends list? Guilty!
Wicked! Do it on regular basis.

Dressed in a woman’s clothes (if you’re a guy) or man’s clothes (if you’re a girl)? Guilty!
Dressed like Superman once 😉 No questions, please!


I hereby tag the foll. people :-


and IHM

Go on now….your turn to bare…the truth, I mean!!

Edited to add: Sigh! Seems like a few people have already done this tag…as per reports from Hitchy Bhai. So, if you have already done, it, do leave the link, so I can read!


Tag Dasa

Dmanji has tagged me again, with the Tag Dasa! I’d seen this in other blogs but never thought I would have to do it! Anyway, here I go.

Tag Rules: It’s harder than it looks!(Mind It). Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag your friends.

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.

They have to be real… nothing made up!(nahi to police pakedega Sabdhan!!!)

If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers.

You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have Fun!!

1. What is your name: Pallavi

2. A four Letter Word: Puke 😉

3. A boy’s Name: Pappu (from Pappu can’t Dance Sala!)

4. A girl’s Name: Preeti (GOK who this is!)

5. An occupation: Parenting (Full-time job with no pay!)

6. A color: Purple

7. Something you wear: Patience! (I wear my Patience on my sleeve…so its ready to drop off at any time!)

8. A food: Pakora (Yummy!!)

9. Something found in the bathroom: Paper?!

10. A place: Punjab

11. A reason for being late: Pinched wallet?

12. Something you shout: Pig!

13. A movie title: Pyar Mein Kabhi Kabhi ~(Loved the songs)

14. Something you drink: Pear Cider

15. A musical group: P..p…no idea!

16. An animal: Porcupine

17. A Street name: Palace Road

18. A type of car: Peugeot

19. A song title: Pawn pawn pawn..O mendi pawn pawn pawn pawn…

20. A verb: Prick
Now I tag Urmi, Swaram and the Don of all times – Solilo, as she often escapes doing tags 😉
Somebody said “Tags are Good” so do it then.


The ABC tag

Dmanji has tagged me with this cute little “ABC Tag” that is infact a ‘Know more about me series’. The rules are :

Link the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share the ABCs of you.
Tag 3 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let the 3 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag! (Very Important One!)
A – Available/Single?   ***Pal: Hmm, need to check with hubby on that!

B – Best friend?    ***Pal: Just a precious handful, can’t name though 🙂

C – Cake or Pie?  ***Pal: A HUGE BLACKFOREST CAKE!!

D – Drink of choice?   ***Pal: Molten ice-cream.. sounds yum?

E – Essential item you use every day? ***Pal: Has GOT to be the computer!

F – Favorite colour?  ***Pal: Anything that looks good on me 😉

G – Gummy Bears Or Worms?  ***Pal: If I HAVE to choose anyway, ‘Gummy Bears’ atleast sounds new!

H – Hometown?   ***Pal: Chennai! Good old Madras! The city of beautiful saris, yummy food (crisp, ghee dosais and tangy Chaats), beautiful temples, and the best part: Family!!

I – Indulgence?  ***Pal: Absolutely food! Croissants, Chips, Pizza!!!

J – January or February?    ***Pal: January – a fresh start to a new year 🙂

K – Kids & their names?     ***Pal: My dear little Rishi baby, the brat of my life!

L – Life is incomplete without?   ***Pal: Money, honey!

M – Marriage date?   ***Pal: Hmmm…I happen to forget every year!

N – Name? Your real name!!   ***Pal: That’s no secret .. Pallavi!

O – Oranges or Apples?   ***Pal: Oranges definitely.

P – Phobias/Fears?    ***Pal: That somebody would read my blogs and find out what a non-writer I am!

Q – Quote for today?   ***Pal: Trust in God.

R – Reason to smile?    ***Pal: Brown paper packages tied up in strings….

S – Season?    ***Pal: Summer in London 🙂

T – Tag 3 People?  ***Pal: Three wonderful bloggers: Oorja, Quirky Indian and Miss M

U – Unknown fact about me?   ***Pal: That I am a Man!

V – Vegetable you don’t like?   ***Pal: Ladies Fingers 😉

W – Worst habit?   ***Pal: Inherent laziness!

X – X-rays?   ***Pal: X-Ray of the Tooth can be quite irritating.

Y – Your favorite food?   ***Pal: Italian cuisine

Z – Zodiac sign?   ***Pal: Capricorn

Now my turn to Tag three people and they are Oorja, Quirky Indian and Miss M

Humour Tags Thought and Reason

We Men and Wo men (Tag)

I have thought too much on this Tag from Indyeah.

If I was a man, this is what We Men would want Wo men to be.



We totally admire the likes of the intelligent Sushmita Sen and the flamboyant Lara Dutta. Women such as these are priceless.

And here is the BIG confession: They are way too good for ordinary men like us.

Therefore, we will resign our fate to living  with the lesser mortals.

Resolution no. 1: We Men will not be fussy about Brains.

I mean, look at what ‘being bold’ has done to Barkha Dutt and Big Sister Shilpa Shetty. We will hereby give brains a miss and be content with a curvaceous miss Amisha Patel!

Resolution no. 2: We will not hanker after elusive factors

Its just NOT FAIR, to judge a woman on something invisible and intangible, such as Loving Nature. We resolve to focus more on the look and feel…and adjust (with an open.. mind) with a sizzling Priyanka Chopra.

Resolution no. 3: (Most important) We will deflate our ego.

We will – in all humility – sacrifice our expectation of ‘Ethereal Beauty’ and ‘settal’ for that base thing called Sex Appeal. We will not pine for the unattainable Julia Roberts, but will survive a meaningless existence, day after day… night after night, with an ordinary Mallika Sherawat.


Phew… being a Man is so difficult! I am glad this tag is done!