
Sunday Melancholy

It is weird. This feeling of homesickness.

No matter which country I am in (even if I am in my hometown), come Sunday evening, and I feel a strange sense of melancholy and homesickness. I cannot understand why it is so.

Perhaps in my childhood, it was pre-Monday blues that dampened the excitement of a Sunday evening. Or maybe it was because everything was shut on a Sunday evening as we retired to a quiet, almost isolated existence, in contrast with a normal day that bustled with activity and with the company of friends and neighbours.

Still, that simply does not explain why two decades later, I still feel strangely sad and homesick every Sunday! Even when I am at home. Even when I do not have to go to school or work tomorrow.

For no obvious reason, I have this weird feeling on Sunday evenings. Its like I am choked. Like I’m scared. Of what? I have no clue.

Do you feel this way any time?

Any pointers?

6 replies on “Sunday Melancholy”

I can relate with this. For me, I think it stems from a desire to turn back time or experience the comfort of childhood again. You know, when one of the largest worries in life was that the cover of a Hindi notebook was torn. Sometimes, all we can do is keep ourselves occupied. Less room for thought, less weirdness.

Hey.. yepp i can relate to that .. I was in hostel and sunday evening was the time when we had to return to hostel after a weekend at home.

and now i am feeling so homesick as i have just come back from india ..

and hey – remember me

So, what do you think?