Wordless Wed

A splash of golden yellow

The picture says it all!!

Thurs Challenge - picture

Thursday Challenge – Wooden

So Ash’s comment made me so enthusiastic about doing the Thursday Challenge, that I clicked a picture of something really cute, and scheduled it for next week (which is , ‘today’).

Every time we apply for a Schengen visa, we queue up at this VFS office, which is just off Soho Square. While the little alley where the office is located looks rather seedy, the Soho square itself is just so pretty. See for yourself!!!

Soho square park

Isn’t that the prettiest wooden house EVER?

🙂 🙂 🙂

Incidents Wordless Wed

Wordy Wday – Desi girls and some non-sense

To all the ‘innocent folks’ who landed on this page, googling ‘desi girls’ or ‘nonsense’ – you’d be disappointed, so close the window right away.

So my friends, a very boring wordy Wednesday, this.

Spotted this ‘appertisement‘ on a local bus last week, and thought the model looked really really familiar!

And hey! It was our very own Genelia 🙂 I loved the cute characters she played in the Sachin and Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. Seen it? Seen it?

Isn’t that sweet? Wouldn’t we love to see more Indian actors and actresses in advertisements abroad, even if it was only for  Dabur Vatika!!!

Except Shilpa Shitty Shetty. And Lara Dutta. And the entire Bacchan clan. Pretty please!

And, just when I was thinking how peaceful reel life has been without the presence of the Bacchan family, here comes the announcement that the whole of India  (and apparently, Reuters too) has waited for, with bated breath.

Methinks the only other news that will be a cause of national celebration would be Rahul baba’s wedding. You know, like we could then have our very own ‘Royal Wedding!’

Anyway, its time to celebrate. Ash Rai is pregnant. (Wiki says 1.9 million women get pregnant in India every year). Whatever!!

Now for some more bits of non-sense.

1) The gorgeous LCD Tv-screens at my local Gym continuously air cookery shows at the time people are slogging their a$$ off to burn some calories. Tell me, how can anybody lose weight, when all they see in front of them, is a delicious pie being baked in the oven, or a giant-sized cream cake being readied for a party?!! Ridiculous, if you ask me!!

2) Apparently, actor Abbas’s recent acting venture is.. guess what.. a Harpic ad!! Yaar, he was one of those cool-dudes that every teenage girl in Chennai used to droooool over. Once upon a time. Look how he has fallen! Vaat-ey-pity 😦 And on that note, do read this brilliant blog that I’ve been hooked onto all evening! And for those of you don’t know who Abbas is/was, check this video. That used to be our ideal of ‘being hip and cool‘! (*Shakes head wisely, without knowing whether to laugh or cry – in retrospect, that is!)

3) Watched Karate Kid. Loved it. Absolutely loved it. Every character was brilliant. Realised that Kung Fu is not about ‘fighting’. It is an art. Ahem. But Jackie Chan has grown so old 😦 Didn’t expect that!! And 12-year-olds kissing??? That makes no sense. Not to an old fogie like me!

4) Ah, but that, you see, is what happens in foreign countries. Not in India. Never. We are a culturally rich country. What happens here is this and this. Quite sadly, though, one is not surprised. It makes complete non-sense. But it happens more often that we imagine.

Ok, before I make you feel any more depressed, I shall sign-out with a post scheduled for tomorrow’s Thursday challenge!!

Ta ta!

Friday Frolic Thurs Challenge - picture

Thursday Challenge – Green

Technically, I’m still living Thursday (infact I have a good 45-minutes until Friday begins :-)). So here’s my post for Thursday Challenge, that has the theme ‘Green’ as I read on IHM’s blog.

I miss the green, spring has just about started here, but it is still chilly at times.

And, on that green note, tomorrow is the end of the week. Time certainly flies!!


Wordless Wed

WW – 4

Apologies for bombarding you with my beautiful leaves… but kya kare, they are just so gorgeous….

And this beautiful afternoon…. (Btw, the bridge in the far end – the one that goes up like a little arch – was the one in the James Bond boat chase … I’ve forgotten the name of the movie now 😦 but will try to rattle the failing memory…)

Thurs Challenge - picture

Thursday Challenge – TC 4

(Apologies to my FB friends, this is going to be a repeat!!)

I should have waited until today, to post the autumn pictures! For that is exactly what this week’s Thursday Challenge is all about!!!


A fascinating path of leaves across the river!!



My all-time favourite - Glorious autumn!!!
Wordless Wed

Adios Autumn, Welcome Winter – WW 4

This picture was taken last evening. And what a contrast to the glorious orange/gold carpet that we saw just seven days ago!!


Adios Autumn! Welcome, Winter!



Not nearly as pretty as last week!


Wordless Wed

My First WW

My first ever WW 🙂