Humour Incidents Poem

A walk in the rain

A smile on your lips,

That deep, beautiful dimple

Your laughter, a tinkle

As we walked in the rain!


Starry eyes that danced,

Your words, lilting and lovely!

Happiness seared through me

As we walked in the rain!


Amid the deafening

pitter-patter I found

Serenity unbound

As we walked in the rain!


As I relished every

Moment of this journey,

You popped the question:

‘Mummy, will you carry me?’


I gather you,

Your little toy train

And this precious memory,

Of our walk in the rain!


This is for my dearest little ‘Rishibaby’

32 replies on “A walk in the rain”

Anything that a mom writes for her children is just so heartwarming – she doesn’t need to be a poet or a playwright. You wrote from your heart and that’s all that matters. Rishi is just so lucky to have a mom like you 🙂

Pal: Hey Urmi, u r online after AGES! Missed u. And thank u my soul-sis.

and but for urmi I would have been firt in this time zone too…

Pal: Hitchy, seriously! How do you manage it? First in ‘almost’ every time zone! Kudos to you. And thank you for your kind feedback 🙂

I think it’s beautiful and that you are the best mommmy-poet I have read! 😀

And I agree with hitchu and Urmi – anything a parent writes for their kids is heart warming, cute and brings that glow within the person reading it as well 🙂 🙂

Pal: Oh my shweety Pixie! Thanku, thanku, thanku. So glad you felt a glow too 🙂

This is heartwarming to read Pal:)
Poet or not I see a very beautiful heartfelt poem here for a lil angel:)
God bless!:)

Pal: Thank you very much, Indy. Just that my lil Angel is quite a lil devil 😉 but he is down with a cold today 😦 So today’s been a ‘T.V. Day’ 🙂

That was lovely!
And the fact that you wrote it for your child, it makes it even more special! 🙂

Pal: Thank you Miss.M. I guess the only thing special about it is that it was for my baby 😉 Otherwise, calling it a ‘poem’ is just a big fat joke 😉

Lovely…luved reading ur cute…..:)

Pal: Hey Pushy, so good to see you here, thank you for dropping by 🙂 And thanks for liking the un-poem too 😉

You are a poet and we didnt even know it — Courtesy Rock On !! 😀 😀 😀

Pal: LOL! Call me a poet, and I’ll get to know how much you know about poetry 😉 But danku danku so much, Vim

Its Beautiful!! Didnt know you to be a poet too :):)

Pal: Thank you chweety! Btw, there was a contest on Caferati once, on ‘Godawful Poetry’. Obviously I did well in that 😉

wow its so beautiful very very well written pal

Pal: Thank you Mon, I am sure you’ve had those lovely moments with (your) sonny boy. I must head over to your Mommy Blog now.

this is going to sound boring ….but it actually is absolutely beautiful…your prose in motion 😉

Pal: See, Arch, you are the real poet….your words ‘prose in motion’ are so beautiful! Thank you, my friend.

As usual-I love it! If I found the words, I would have probably written the same thing!:p
If thats not a poetry, what is?:)

Pal: Awww…thank you 🙂 I think its the kids who bring out the Best (and the Worst) in us!

Wow !!! and if your are not a poet then who is tell me ? Your lil one will surely be proud when he’ll be able to understand this poem …. very nice one…

Pal: Thank you so much Dhiman for that wonderful compliment…I think I have to write this down in his Baby Book (for him to trash when he grows older! Sigh!!)

Lovely poem. May you have many more such walks in the rain 🙂

Pal: Thank you for that kindest wish of all, Rashmi 🙂 *sniffles*

The memory of your son and you in the rain
will always be embedded in your brain
where forever it will remain
for you to visit again … and again.

Pal: Absolutely, PRG. Thank you for your sweet little verses 🙂

Hey Pal,
Lovely poem.. reminded me of my school days when my mom, sis and me wld walk in the rain! My mom is super cool ..just like you 🙂

aawe that is beautiful.. you are a gem
Totally understand your feeling, (you are a good poet btw) just returned from a ‘walk after the rain’ with my doll, the puddles in the park made her so happy and I was all worried about her wet shoes first. Then later joined her in the fun and splashed around, we went on the wet slide and the wet swing. We spent 1.5 hours in the empty wet park – came back satisfied (wonder if she’ll need calpol in the evening)

* Meena – That is one of the best-est compliments I’ve ever received…thank you 🙂 Miss the good old days no?

* Anon – I was trying to figure out who this could be. Obviously, someone from UK, because you mentioned ‘Calpol’ and not ‘Crocin’ 🙂 Glad its you 🙂 And I am sure A won’t need it. Wet slide and wet swing… man, you are one cool mommy!! I enjoy the puddles too, but wet slide…hmmm..that’s beyond me 🙂

So, what do you think?